Home List List of all pronouns

List of all pronouns

  1. all
  2. another
  3. any
  4. anybody
  5. anyone
  6. anything
  7. as
  8. aught
  9. both
  10. each
  11. each other
  12. either
  13. enough
  14. everybody
  15. everyone
  16. everything
  17. few
  18. he
  19. her
  20. hers
  21. herself
  22. him
  23. himself
  24. his
  25. I
  26. idem
  27. it
  28. its
  29. itself
  30. many
  31. me
  32. mine
  33. most
  34. my
  35. myself
  36. naught
  37. neither
  38. no one
  39. nobody
  40. none
  41. nothing
  42. nought
  43. one
  44. one another
  45. other
  46. others
  47. ought
  48. our
  49. ours
  50. ourself
  51. ourselves
  52. several
  53. she
  54. some
  55. somebody
  56. someone
  57. something
  58. somewhat
  59. such
  60. suchlike
  61. that
  62. thee
  63. their
  64. theirs
  65. theirself
  66. theirselves
  67. them
  68. themself
  69. themselves
  70. there
  71. these
  72. they
  73. thine
  74. this
  75. those
  76. thou
  77. thy
  78. thyself
  79. us
  80. we
  81. what
  82. whatever
  83. whatnot
  84. whatsoever
  85. whence
  86. where
  87. whereby
  88. wherefrom
  89. wherein
  90. whereinto
  91. whereof
  92. whereon
  93. wherever
  94. wheresoever
  95. whereto
  96. whereunto
  97. wherewith
  98. wherewithal
  99. whether
  100. which
  101. whichever
  102. whichsoever
  103. who
  104. whoever
  105. whom
  106. whomever
  107. whomso
  108. whomsoever
  109. whose
  110. whosever
  111. whosesoever
  112. whoso
  113. whosoever
  114. ye
  115. yon
  116. yonder
  117. you
  118. your
  119. yours
  120. yourself
  121. yourselves

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